Sure. The Bio Sanitary Pad is uniquely designed and specially formulated by 5 important natural herbs and another 12 minor types of valuable natural herbs. It is also insured with RM 3 million (EUR 600,000) product insurance.
2. Is pregnant woman encouraged to use Bio Sanitary Pad?
Every pregnant woman has different condition of health, so they are not encouraged to use this pad.
3. Menstruation has ended, why is there some dark discharge after using Bio Sanitary Pad?
Bio Sanitary Pad helps regulate the menstrual cycle. It also helps remove the blood clot or bloodstains in the uterus, that is why some dark discharge occurs after menstruation. This is a good sign.
4. Bio Sanitary Pad does not give me any response, should I continue using it?
Those who are healthy will not show any response. Bio Sanitary Pad is made of good quality raw materials, does not contain fluorescence, bleaching agent, dioxin and any other danger substance. Long term usage of Bio Sanitary Pad may help to prevent infection. It is anti-bacteria, deodorized and it prevents itchiness as well as provides cooling and comfortable feeling.
5. Is Bio Sanitary Pad beneficial to those who suffer from dysmenorrhea?
According to the feedback from dysmenorrhea customers, they recommend the usage of Bio Sanitary Pad 24 hours a day, change frequently with at least 3-4 pieces of pantiliner every day. Dysmenorrhea and backache problems will gradually improve after a month of continuous usage. But the result and the duration of improvement vary among individuals.
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